I opened a so-called "free tier" account on AWS to learn about cloud services. Now my credit card is charged every month and is costing me a lot of money.
I looked at the billing and I saw a Amazon RDS service in a Zone in USA. I thought to delete the RDS instance but it was not possible even after trying several times and as hard as I could (All possible options and several times) RDS instance could not be deleted by any means.
I thought to "stop" the instance at least it would cost less money. I saw the instance was stopped but for unclear reasons it started after 7 days again.
After a lot of frustration I decided to delete my AWS account in an attempt to stop the billing and prevent a bankruptcy. Amazon AWS still is billing the running the instance even after deleting my AWS account.
Now I cannot even login to AWS and cannot do anything. I know I could block my credit card and get a new one, but I costs time and I would rather keep my existing credit card.
I want to open a lawsuit against AWS Amazon since it clearly violates European laws.
Please help me to answer the following questions
how can I stop this billing and prevent Amazon AWS to charge my credit card?
Where Do I get contact with AWS support, for this level I only find community help but no direct contact with AWS Support.
Where can I find information about precedent cases to prepare a lawsuit?
Many thanks for your help, this is very important since it has a big financial impact for me.
After 90 days, any content remaining in your account will be permanently deleted, and AWS services that aren't already terminated will be terminated.
Within this time, you can still reopen the account to actually get to the bottom of why you can't delete an instance. Your post is not clear why you cant. Any errors? Are you the only user? Do you have any code running to would restart your db. – Marcin