ActivFlow: a generic, light-weight and extensible workflow engine for agile development and automation of complex Business Process operations.
You can have an entire workflow modeled in no time!
Step 1: Workflow App Registration
WORKFLOW_APPS = ['leave_request']
Step 2: Activity Configuration
from activflow.core.models import AbstractActivity, AbstractInitialActivity
from activflow.leave_request.validators import validate_initial_cap
class RequestInitiation(AbstractInitialActivity):
"""Leave request details"""
employee_name = CharField(
"Employee", max_length=200, validators=[validate_initial_cap])
from = DateField("From Date")
to = DateField("To Date")
reason = TextField("Purpose of Leave", blank=True)
def clean(self):
"""Custom validation logic should go here"""
class ManagementApproval(AbstractActivity):
"""Management approval"""
approval_status = CharField(verbose_name="Status", max_length=3, choices=(
('APP', 'Approved'), ('REJ', 'Rejected')))
remarks = TextField("Remarks")
def clean(self):
"""Custom validation logic should go here"""
Step 3: Flow Definition
FLOW = {
'initiate_request': {
'name': 'Leave Request Initiation',
'model': RequestInitiation,
'role': 'Submitter',
'transitions': {
'management_approval': validate_request,
'management_approval': {
'name': 'Management Approval',
'model': ManagementApproval,
'role': 'Approver',
'transitions': None
Step 4: Business Rules
def validate_request(self):
return self.reason == 'Emergency'