
I am working on cypress with cucumber to test my application. I have a created two feature files and running only second feature at a time. I need to click the button to search a file, and when tried to click, I can see the cypress is getting the value of first feature file button and not selecting or clicking the second feature file's button.

Can anyone help with issue?

Please add the code that you are trying, the step definition, and the feature files both.Alapan Das
@AlapanDas added the code, can you please check and help meKishore Selvam

1 Answers

    Scenario: Retrieve a list of file records  
    Given when user try to retrieve a list of file records  
    When user provides file number as "00TEST"   
    And clicks on search button
    Then User able to see the file details 
    Scenario: Retrieve a list of product records   
    Given when user try to retrieve a list of product records   
    When user provides product number as "01PROD"   
    And clicks on search button   
    Then User able to see the product details
    import { And, Given, Then, When } from "cypress-cucumber-preprocessor/steps";  
     import adminPage from '../pageobjects/adminPage';  
     Given("when user try to retrieve a list of file records", () => { adminPage.launchadmin(); });  
     When("user provides file number as {string}", (fileNumber) => { adminPage.fileNumberCheck(fileNumber); })  
     And("clicks on search button", () => { adminPage.searchButton(); })   Then("User able to see the file details", () => { adminPage.verifyTitleSucccessfullyLanded(); })
    import { And, Given, Then, When } from "cypress-cucumber-preprocessor/steps";   
    import adminPage from '../pageobjects/adminPage';   
    Given("when user try to retrieve a list of product records", () => { adminPage.launchadminNew(); });   
    When("user provides product number as {string}", (productNumber) => { adminPage.productNumberCheck(productNumber); })   
    And("clicks on search button", () => { adminPage.productSearchButton(); })     Then("User able to see the product details", () => { adminPage.verifyTitleSucccessfullyLanded(); })

    const FILE_NUMBER = '#fileNumber' 
    const PRODUCT_NUMBER = '#productNumber' 
    const PRODUCT_SEARCH_BTN='#productNumberSearch' 
    static launchadmin() { cy.url() .should('include', 'localhost:3000/') } static launchadminNew() { cy.visit( "localhost:3000/product" ); } 
    static fileNumberCheck(fileNumber) { cy.get(FILE_NUMBER).type(fileNumber) } 
static productNumberCheck(productNumber) { cy.get(PRODUCT_NUMBER).type(productNumber) }
static searchButton() { cy.get(SEARCH_BTN).click() } 
static productSearchButton() { cy.get(PRODUCT_SEARCH_BTN).click() }