I want to create a grid of Beijing based on Geohashes using Python. I've tried to use scikit-mobility library but I need to use something like python-geohash library for more accuracy.
import skmob
from skmob.tessellation import tilers
import pandas as pd
from skmob.preprocessing import filtering
df1 = pd.read_csv('./allPechino.csv')
tdf = skmob.TrajDataFrame(df1, latitude = 'latitude',longitude = 'longitude', user_id='taxi_id',datetime='date_time')
tessellation = tilers.tiler.get("squared", base_shape="Beijing, China", meters=15000)
# counting movements that start and end in the same tile
fdf = tdf.to_flowdataframe(tessellation=tessellation,
I create a OD-matrix usign scikit-mobility library and this is the result
origin destination flow
101 101 3
101 116 1
101 117 1
103 103 1151
103 104 9
After that I plot the FlowDataFrame on a Folium map
m= fdf.plot_flows(flow_color='red')
Now my question is: How can I do the same thing using python-geohash library?