I am trying to run a pwershell script from excel, which i can do and it works, but the powershell window does not show the information from the write-host comands in the script. If i run the file from the cmd prompt i get all the write-host texts appearing in the console window, like below.
Powershell run from command prompt
However if i use this code from excel.
Sub RunAndGetCmd()
strCommand = "Powershell -File ""C:\PSFiles\TestOutput.ps1"""
Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set WshShellExec = WshShell.Exec(strCommand)
End Sub
I get no texts shown in the console window, just the a flashing cursor like the following
Same Powershell ran from excel
I know the script runs and dooes everything, but i would like to output the texts as the script runs so i can see how far it has gotten.
Any ideas greatly appreciated.