
In my Azure Data Factory pipeline, I want to use a variable, which gets updated on each run and which is also read on each run. At the moment, I am using a Database to achieve that. But it would be much simpler if Azure Data Factory provided a way of storing variables. So, my question is, is there any such facility in Azure Data Factory?

Do you mean Set Variable activity cannot meet your request(Variable update logic ) ?Joseph Xu
@HarrisXu Can the value be passed to the next Pipeline run?MetallicPriest
You can declare a parameter in PipelineB, when you executing PipelineB in PipelineA, you can pass the value form PipelineA variable to PipelineB parameter.Joseph Xu
I want to use that variable for the same pipeline runs. Let us say the pipeline runs every 10 minutes. I want the pipeline in one iteration to persist the value so that it can be used in the next iteration.MetallicPriest
They can't persist inside ADF across pipeline runs. If you really need something persistent, you're going to need to write data to a storage mechanism and then read it in subsequent pipelines. IMO, @Harris-Xu recommended the best approach.Joel Cochran

1 Answers


As @Joel Cochran says, ADF doesn't support persist a variable inside pipeline runs. We need to write data to a storage, eg. database or azure storage. Use Lookup Activity to get the value from blob storage file or DB. :)