I need to calculate the SUM of 1 column on different sheets per line. Here is my example file - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/11KWjso_sLdHI-NWBk0Rtp-EnGfMyU6a3G143C1Tl6lE/edit?usp=sharing The С column on Sheet1 should calculate the sum of column T on all pages. I am trying to use the following formula, but it doesn't work: =SUMPRODUCT(SUMIFS(INDIRECT("'"&TO_TEXT(Rules!$D$1:$1)&"'!"&"T:T"),INDIRECT("'"&TO_TEXT(Rules!$D$1:$1)&"'!"&"A:A"),A2,INDIRECT("'"&TO_TEXT(Rules!$D$1:$1)&"'!"&"B:B"),B2)) It calculates the sum for 1st page only. Please help.
1 Answers
This code will help you
function onEdit(e) {
let source = e.source,
range = e.range,
col = range.columnStart,
row = range.rowEnd,
sheet = range.getSheet();
if (sheet.getName() == 'Rules' && row == 1 && col>2){
let sheetNames = sheet.getRange('1:1').getDisplayValues()[0].filter(String).slice(3),
formula = sheetNames.reduce((r,element)=>{
return r += `SUMIF('` + element + `'!A:A&'` + element + `'!B:B,A2:A&B2:B,'` + element + `'!T:T)+`
this script rewrites the formula in cell C1
on Sheet1
every time you change the data in row 1:1
on Rules
added ...
in order to change the formula to the one you want
={"SUM";ArrayFormula( if(A2:A<>"",ifs((SUMIF('5/31/2021'!A:A&'5/31/2021'!B:B,A2:A&B2:B,'5/31/2021'!T:T)+SUMIF('6/16/2021'!A:A&'6/16/2021'!B:B,A2:A&B2:B,'6/16/2021'!T:T))=2,"New Full Time",SUMIF('5/31/2021'!A:A&'5/31/2021'!B:B,A2:A&B2:B,'5/31/2021'!T:T)+SUMIF('6/16/2021'!A:A&'6/16/2021'!B:B,A2:A&B2:B,'6/16/2021'!T:T))<2,"Part Time",(SUMIF('5/31/2021'!A:A&'5/31/2021'!B:B,A2:A&B2:B,'5/31/2021'!T:T)+SUMIF('6/16/2021'!A:A&'6/16/2021'!B:B,A2:A&B2:B,'6/16/2021'!T:T))>2,"Full Time"),))}
change a part of the code to this
subFormula = sheetNames.reduce((r,element)=>{
return r += `SUMIF('` + element + `'!A:A&'` + element + `'!B:B,A2:A&B2:B,'` + element + `'!T:T)+`
formula = '={"SUM";ArrayFormula(if(A2:A<>"",ifs(' +
subFormula + '=2,"New Full Time",' + subFormula + '<2,"Part Time",' + subFormula + '>2,"Full Time"),))}'
but I think the next formula will be easier and work faster
={"SUM";ArrayFormula( if(A2:A<>"",SWITCH((SUMIF('5/31/2021'!A:A&'5/31/2021'!B:B,A2:A&B2:B,'5/31/2021'!T:T)+SUMIF('6/16/2021'!A:A&'6/16/2021'!B:B,A2:A&B2:B,'6/16/2021'!T:T)),0,"Part Time",1,"Part Time",2,"New Full Time","Full Time"),))}
to insert it into the code, change the following
formula = sheetNames.reduce((r,element)=>{
return r += `SUMIF('` + element + `'!A:A&'` + element + `'!B:B,A2:A&B2:B,'` + element + `'!T:T)+`
},`={"SUM";ArrayFormula(if(A2:A<>"",SWITCH((`).replace(/\+$/,'),0,"Part Time",1,"Part Time",2,"New Full Time","Full Time"),))}');
but even faster would be a constant formula that can be written in the next column D
={"-Header-";ArrayFormula(if(C2:C<>"",ifs(C2:C<2,"Part Time",C2:C=2,"New Full Time",C2:C>2,"Full Time"),))}
doesn't support iteration over an array ingoogle-sheets
. You may be helped byonEdit()
for theRules
sheet. When you change the data in row1:1
- the script will update the formulas inC
column onSheet1
– Sergey