I've scala and scalajs project and it is in github for reference.
Initially I've scalatest version 3.0.3 and scalacheck version 1.13.5. The command sbt clean test
is working fine.
I've updated scalatest version to 3.1.4 and scalacheck version 1.14.3.
After this updated scala project tests are working fine but scalajs tests are not.
The error I'm getting is
[info] Fast optimizing /Users/rajkumar.natarajan/Documents/Coding/misc/sjs-test-error/core/js/target/scala-2.12/reftree-test-fastopt.js
[error] Referring to non-existent method org.scalatestplus.scalacheck.ScalaCheckConfiguration.$$init$()scala.Unit
[error] called from generic.RefTreeSpec.()
[error] called from generic.RefTreeSpec.()
[error] called from core module analyzer
[error] Referring to non-existent method org.scalatestplus.scalacheck.ScalaCheckDrivenPropertyChecks.$$init$()scala.Unit
[error] called from generic.RefTreeSpec.()
[error] called from generic.RefTreeSpec.()
[error] called from core module analyzer
[error] There were linking errors
[error] (coreJS / Test / fastOptJS) There were linking errors
[error] Total time: 31 s, completed Jun 9, 2021, 5:54:57 PM
The changes are in this commit.
I tried to figure out but I'm novice in scalajs. Is there anything extra I need to do to work correctly?