
I have DNN site package , i pushed the code into Azure DevOps repository.

If we want to create build pipeline for the DNN site package we need to add below Task.

1.NuGet Restore 2. Set DNN Version Number 3. Build Solution 4. Test Assemblies 5. Copy Files 6. Publish Artifacts

Here my question is , When i am trying add build solution task , we need to give solution path(.sln or .csproj).But DNN site has only packages so i am getting below error

ERROR : Error Image

What code exactly is pushed?Mitchel Sellers
we don't have any code in the repository, we have only a package.ravi mogadala

1 Answers


You should confirm that whether there is a xxx.sln file under your current repo. If not, you should push it into the repo.

Besides,check into your current repo, and determine which branch your project is in, based on that, you should check whether you select the right branch which the solution exists under the pipeline.

enter image description here

Also, you could specify all csproj files rather than a sln file to check if that works.

enter image description here