I have created a site collection and then create two team sites on sharepoint server. Sites are working fine from central Admin but they are not appearing in IIS manager. Also when I try to edit a sharepoint site on sharepoint designer 2010 follwing error comes.
Unable to open website following causes: 1) the web server may not have sharepoint installed 2)The web server may be temporarily out of service 3)if you are connecting through a proxy server the proxy settings may be incorrect 4) An error may be occured in the web server
The IIS manager only showing the follwing sites Sharepoint 80 and sharepoint central admin
When I try to create a site on sharepoint designer following error comes:
The web site must be created on a server that is running microsoft sharpoint foundation server please chooose another location.
I have installed sharepoint server 2010, sharepoint foundation server 2010 and sharepoint designer on my pc.