I am trying to find the success rate of a command (e.g call). I have scenario markers in place that marks the success, and the data is collected. Now I am using the Kusto queries to create a dashboard that measures the success rate when the command is triggered.
I was trying to use percentiles to measure the success rate of the command that was being used over a period of time as below.
| where Table_Name == "call_command" and Table_Step == "CommandReceived"
| parse Table_MetaData with * "command = " command: string "," *
| where command == "call"
| summarize percentiles(command, 5, 50, 95) by Event_Time
The above query throws an error as "recognition error" occurred. Also, is this the right way to find the success rate of the command.
Updated :
Successfull command o/p :
call_command CommandReceived OK null null 1453 null [command = call,id = b444,retryAttempt = 0] [null] [null]
Unsuccessfull command o/p :
call_command STOP ERROR INVALID_VALUE Failed to execute command: call, id: b444, status code: 0, error code: INVALID_VALUE, error details: . 556 [command = call,id = b444,retryAttempt = 0] [null] [null]
Table name - call_command
Table_step - CommandReceived/STOP
Table_Metadata - [command = call,id = b444,retryAttempt = 0]
Table_status - OK/ERROR