
The problem I have is moving data with spring cloud data flow (SCDF) through an environment to get data to the right place. the following is the situation:

  • I have a productionized version of Kafka which I am only allowed to subscribe to (read Only). (3 node cluster: node1:9092,node2:9092,node3:9092)
  • I have a instance of SCDF running in a Kubernetes cluster that uses a RabbitMQ backbone (all on one server)
  • I have a single Node Kafka server that is being used for another company to get data (ssl protected)

When looking at the SCDF I am not seeing a way to define Kafka as a source and read to a processor (gonna be custom) and write to a different Kafka instance.


1 Answers


You can use a named destination together with multi-binder support.

RabbitMQ Binding -> processor -> named Kafka Destination


In Spring Cloud Stream terms, a named destination is a specific destination name in the messaging middleware or the streaming platform. It could be an exchange in RabbitMQ or a topic in Apache Kafka. In Spring Cloud Data Flow, the named destination can be treated as either a direct source or sink, based on whether it acts as a publisher or a consumer. You can either consume data from a destination (example: a Kafka topic) or you can produce data for a destination (for example, a Kafka topic). Spring Cloud Data Flow lets you build an event-streaming pipeline from and to the destination on the messaging middleware by using the named destination support.

http > :user-click-events

:user-click-events > jdbc


When multiple binders are present on the classpath, the application must indicate which binder is to be used for each destination binding.


:RO_Kafka > processor_1 | ... | processor_n > :otherKafka

With processor_1 and processor_n configured with multi-binders.