
I am working on a larger private project and introduced something like a function registry for hooks to be used. That worked well so far, till I was forced to use a a type with a named lifetime In my case it was rusqlite::Transaction<'c>. Due to this all dependend strucs has to introduce a named lifetime too, right?

Finally I got some compiler lifetime errors, I dont know, how to resolve them.

To narrow down the problem I wrote this example code. Please note that you may not change the Transaction-Struct hence this is just a example for any struc require a named lifetime parameter.

use std::error::Error;

struct Holder<T> {
    item: fn(T) -> (),

impl <T> Holder<T> {
    fn new(f: fn(T) -> ()) -> Holder<T>{
        Holder{item: f}

    fn exe(&self,i: T){
        let f = self.item;

struct Transaction<'c> {
    connection: &'c str,

impl <'c> Transaction<'c> {
    fn new(c: &'c str) -> Transaction {
        Transaction{connection: c}

fn doSomething(t: &Transaction) {
    println!("I have done Something with {}",&t.connection);

pub fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {

    let h: Holder<&Transaction> = Holder::new(doSomething) ;
        let connection = "c1";
        let tran = Transaction::new(&connection);
        let connection = "c2";
        let tran = Transaction::new(&connection);


If I use doSomething then it works but if I put doSomething within my generic holder I got lifetime errors like this:

error[E0597]: `tran` does not live long enough
  --> src\t.rs:39:15
   |               ^^^^^ borrowed value does not live long enough
40 |         h.exe(&tran);
41 |     }
   |     - `tran` dropped here while still borrowed
45 |         h.exe(&tran);
   |         - borrow later used here

In the end, I could understand that the problem raise, hence the lifetime of the Transaction was bound to the Holder. But how to tell Rust, that this lifetime is a function argument and do not has to be bound to the Holder-Struct, so that the example is safe to work?

As Masklinn correctly stated was my example solved by simply introducing Refrences within the function signature. It took me some time to discover, that my problem raises again as soon as I use a real Object like String as connection instead of simply a &str.Dragis
Please don't drastically change your question when you hit a new issue. It's much better to accept what helped you and create a completely new question with the new issue. (What you've done now makes Masklinns answer seem like a non-answer as it doesn't fix the current issue and the code is identical to that in your question --- I wasted a while trying to find some subtle difference between them)Michael Anderson
Thanks Michael. You are absolutely right. I changed back this question and asked another one.Dragis

1 Answers


One easy option if that's feasible is to have Holder<T> but f: fn(&T) (and exe: fn(&self, &T):

struct Holder<T> {
    item: fn(&T) -> (),

impl <T> Holder<T> {
    fn new(f: fn(&T)) -> Holder<T>{
        Holder{item: f}

    fn exe(&self,i: &T){
        let f = self.item;

This way the lifetime of i is separate from the lifetime (if any) of T. h then becomes a Holder<Transaction>. Of course that assumes your hooks can always work on references and that's sufficient.