
I am using AzureAppConfigurationPush@1 task for deploying app configuration values in different environment. I am able to add key value pairs sucessfully but I am not finding ways to add Key vault reference.

-task: AzureAppConfigurationPush@1
          azureSubscription: '${{ parameters.azureResourceManager }}'
          ConfigstoreName: '${{ parameters.appConfigName }}'
          ConfigurationFile: '${{parameters.configFileName }}'
          Separator: ','
          Strict: false 

I am passing config file name as parameters in which I am giving Json which I export from azure app configuration. When I export app configuration values, key value pair contains uri and its value like this: "AppInsightsKey": "{"uri":"https://.vault.azure.net/secrets/AppInsightsKey"}"

But this doesn't go as Key vault reference using push task but considered as a string completely.

Can you help me understand hot to push key vault reference so that it will automatically create a reference if possible?


2 Answers


The push task takes content type as a parameter. If you want to create key-vault references, you'll need to specify the content type of a key vault reference for the settings being pushed.

Key Vault Reference content type: application/vnd.microsoft.appconfig.keyvaultref+json;charset=utf-8


It seems that that is a problem with Azure App Configuration Push extension.

You have to contact with that team to report the problem.