I am stuck at one point as I am unable to test my grammar using Junit test cases. Below is my complete grammar.
Comparison returns Expression:
Primary ({Comparison.left=current} op=("=" | "!=" | ">=" | "<=" | ">" | "<")right=Primary)* ;
Primary returns Expression:
'(' Expression ')' |
{Not} "!" expression=Primary |
Atomic returns Expression:
{IntConstant} value=INT |
{StringConstant} value=STRING |
{BoolConstant} value=('true' | 'false') |
{VariableRef} variable=[ecore::EAttribute|QualifiedName];
ID ('.' ID)*;
If i test my code generator for this grammar by launching an eclipse instance, all i have to do is create an ".ecore" file in the src folder and another file for my grammar and i am easily able to access my variable created in ".ecore" file.
What i mean to say is after launching an eclipse instance, i created a "test.ecore" file having a class "vars" and an EAttribute "alpha" which is of EString type and i created another file "testModel.dsl" now i am easily able to access "vars.alpha" inside this file. Can anyone please help me how to perform same steps if i want to test my code generator without launching an eclipse instance. It would be of great help to me.
I am trying to test below test case-->
class ExpressionDSLCompilationTest {
@Inject extension CompilationTestHelper
@Inject extension ParseHelper
@Inject extension ReflectExtensions
@Inject extension IQualifiedNameProvider
@Inject Provider<XtextResourceSet> resourceSetProvider
def void ReturnVariable() {
val fooPackage = EcoreFactory::eINSTANCE.createEPackage
fooPackage.name = "foo"
fooPackage.nsPrefix = "foo"
fooPackage.nsURI = "http://foo"
val fooClass = EcoreFactory::eINSTANCE.createEClass
fooClass.name = "vars"
val fooattr = EcoreFactory::eINSTANCE.createEAttribute
fooattr.name = "alpha"
fooattr.EType = EcorePackage::eINSTANCE.EString
val resourceset = resourceSetProvider.get
val resource = resourceset.createResource(URI.createURI("hiTest.ecore"))
// val model = '''foo.vars.alpha'''.parse(resourceset)
'''foo.vars.alpha'''.compile [
getCompiledClass.newInstance => [
class ExtendedMyDslInjectorProvider extends ExpressionDSLInjectorProvider {
override internalCreateInjector() {
return super.internalCreateInjector
I have already followed steps mentioned in https://www.eclipse.org/forums/index.php/t/1081785/ but this is of no use as it is giving me null pointer exception when i run my test case. Any help will be appreciated.
I am adding a piece of my code generator and highlighting the piece where it is giving error. Hope it will be enough.
class ExpressionDSLGenerator extends AbstractGenerator {
@Inject extension IQualifiedNameProvider
/*Generate Java Code with the name of java file as same as that of ".mexpression" file*/
override void doGenerate(Resource resource, IFileSystemAccess2 fsa, IGeneratorContext context) {
var str = ""
for (e : resource.allContents.toIterable.filter(ExpressionModel)) {
str += e.checkCompileForFunctionsOrExpresssion
fsa.generateFile('''«resource.URI.lastSegment.substring(0,resource.URI.lastSegment.indexOf("."))».java''', str)
/*Generates the body of .Java File having class and single checkExpression
Method for Expressions and Functions Separately */
def String checkCompileForFunctionsOrExpresssion(ExpressionModel model) {
public class «model.eResource.URI.lastSegment.substring(0,model.eResource.URI.lastSegment.indexOf("."))»{
public «getExpressionReturnType(model)» generateCodeForExpression() {
return «getExpressionReturnBody(model.expression)»;
def getExpressionReturnType(ExpressionModel model) {
/*If expression is not a comparison and just a single variable or value, we must return value's data type*/
if (model.eContents.size < 2) {
} /* Return boolean since it will be a comparison*/ else {
// Utility method to get return type of an expression
def getValueReturnType(Expression e) {
if (e.isInt) {
} else if (e.isString) {
} else if (e.isVariable) {
} else {
// Utility method to set return type on the basis of variable's return type
def getVariableReturnsType(Expression e) {
switch (e) {
VariableRef: {
<part giving error:-->e.variable.EType is coming to be null, hence null pointer exception>**e.variable.EType.name.equals("EString") ? "String" : e.variable.EType.name.equals(
"EInt") ? "int" : "boolean"**</part giving error>
// Utility method to get return body of an expression
def String getExpressionReturnBody(Expression e) {
switch (e) {
VariableRef: {
IntConstant: {
BoolConstant: {
StringConstant: {
Not: {
Comparison: {
val left = e.left.getExpressionReturnBody as String
val right = e.right.getExpressionReturnBody as String
if (e.left.isString) {
getStringCompareBody(left, right, e.op)
} else if (e.left.isBoolean) {
getBoolCompareBody(left, right, e.op)
} else if (e.left.isVariable) {
getVariableReturnsBody(e.left, left, right, e.op)
} else {
getOthersCompareBody(left, right, e.op)
// return variable's full name
def getVariableReturn(EAttribute e) {
e.fullyQualifiedName + ""
// return integer value
def getIntConstantReturn(int value) {
value + ""
// return boolean value
def getBooleanConstantReturn(String value) {
Boolean::parseBoolean(value) + ""
// return string value
def getStringConstantReturn(String value) {
"\"" + value + "\""
// return not value of the given expression
def getNotExpressionReturn(Expression value) {
"!(" + value.getExpressionReturnBody + ")"
// Utility method to check if Expression is a String
def isString(Expression e) {
switch (e) {
StringConstant: {
default: {
// Utility method to check if Expression is a boolean
def isBoolean(Expression e) {
switch (e) {
BoolConstant: {
default: {
// Utility method to check if Expression is a variable
def isVariable(Expression e) {
switch (e) {
VariableRef: {
default: {
// return body of comparison expression for string
def getStringCompareBody(String left, String right, String op) {
switch (op) {
case '=': "(" + left + ".equals(" + right + "))"
case '!=': "!(" + left + ".equals(" + right + "))"
default: false + ""
// return body of comparison expression for boolean
def getBoolCompareBody(String left, String right, String op) {
switch (op) {
case '=': "(" + left + "==" + right + ")"
case '!=': "(" + left + "!=" + right + ")"
default: false + ""
// return body of comparison expression for other's
def getOthersCompareBody(String left, String right, String op) {
switch (op) {
case '<': "(" + left + "<" + right + ")"
case '>': "(" + left + ">" + right + ")"
case '>=': "(" + left + ">=" + right + ")"
case '<=': "(" + left + "<=" + right + ")"
case '=': "(" + left + "==" + right + ")"
case '!=': "!(" + left + "==" + right + ")"
default: false + ""
// body for variable type
def getVariableReturnsBody(Expression e, String left, String right, String operator) {
switch (e) {
VariableRef: {
? getStringCompareBody(left, right, operator) : e.variable.EType.name.equals(
"EBoolean") ? getBoolCompareBody(left, right, operator) : getOthersCompareBody(left, right,