I am often using Gurobi with JuMP and I noticed that there are still parts of its outputs that I don't understand. Unless it is documented somewhere and the link would be most welcome, could you help understand the following? :)
Found heuristic solution: objective 5820.0000000
Presolve removed 33 rows and 11 columns
Presolve time: 0.00s
Presolved: 607 rows, 331 columns, 2445 nonzeros
Variable types: 111 continuous, 220 integer (220 binary)
Root relaxation: objective 1.157500e+03, 64 iterations, 0.00 seconds
Nodes | Current Node | Objective Bounds | Work
Expl Unexpl | Obj Depth IntInf | Incumbent BestBd Gap | It/Node Time
0 0 1157.50000 0 25 5820.00000 1157.50000 80.1% - 0s
H 0 0 2535.0000000 1157.50000 54.3% - 0s
0 0 1236.00000 0 23 2535.00000 1236.00000 51.2% - 0s
0 0 1273.65351 0 41 2535.00000 1273.65351 49.8% - 0s
0 0 1274.59375 0 41 2535.00000 1274.59375 49.7% - 0s
0 0 1274.69841 0 42 2535.00000 1274.69841 49.7% - 0s
0 0 1309.98305 0 42 2535.00000 1309.98305 48.3% - 0s
0 0 1310.26027 0 42 2535.00000 1310.26027 48.3% - 0s
0 0 1340.01176 0 47 2535.00000 1340.01176 47.1% - 0s
0 0 1342.47826 0 49 2535.00000 1342.47826 47.0% - 0s
0 0 1342.60000 0 49 2535.00000 1342.60000 47.0% - 0s
0 0 1362.32468 0 50 2535.00000 1362.32468 46.3% - 0s
0 0 1363.08000 0 49 2535.00000 1363.08000 46.2% - 0s
0 0 1363.13077 0 49 2535.00000 1363.13077 46.2% - 0s
0 0 1370.79545 0 53 2535.00000 1370.79545 45.9% - 0s
0 0 1375.50000 0 52 2535.00000 1375.50000 45.7% - 0s
0 0 1375.50000 0 52 2535.00000 1375.50000 45.7% - 0s
0 0 1376.70025 0 52 2535.00000 1376.70025 45.7% - 0s
0 0 1376.70122 0 53 2535.00000 1376.70122 45.7% - 0s
0 0 1376.70122 0 53 2535.00000 1376.70122 45.7% - 0s
0 2 1376.98418 0 53 2535.00000 1376.98418 45.7% - 0s
* 255 157 14 2457.0000000 1473.00000 40.0% 22.5 0s
H 407 223 2397.0000000 1548.00000 35.4% 20.3 0s
* 1962 758 22 2355.0000000 1772.85714 24.7% 16.8 0s
*14326 2205 27 2343.0000000 2088.50000 10.9% 15.7 3s
From what I think I already know, in order of apparition:
- Found heuristic solution: objective 5820, Gurobi launched a presolve and found a solution of value 5820
- Presolve removed 33 redundant or useless variables as well as 11 constraints?
- Presvoled: sizes of the model presolved
- Types of variables: some are binary and some are continuous.
- Root relaxation: LP relaxation has an objective of 1 157.5
- Expl (1): * empty or H, I don't know the difference when there is these symbols but I noticed all rows with a given symbol (H, *, or empty) will have same outputs.
- Expl and Unexpl number of explored nodes and unexplored nodes in the solving tree.
Current Node
- Obj: objective of current node being explored?
- Depth: tree's depth where solving is currently
- IntInf: I have no idea for this one
Objective Bounds
- Incumbent: current value of best valid solution found
- BestBd: Best lower bound currently found
- Gap: This is probably a gap between current best solution and best bound but I couldn't deduce how it is computed.
- It/Node: Here we need to find what is an iteration
- Time: Time spent in solving until then.