
I have results in application insights that I want to query. My data in application insights are requests, with child dependencies. They have the same operation_Id. I would like to list all requests. I can easily do this by running the query: request But I also want to have the same corresponding dependencies, in the same line. Just as a list. How can I do this with the make_list() operator?

Alternatively, I could accomplish this with a join. But I prefer to have the results in the same line, and the dependency names in a list as a column.


1 Answers


Try this?

| join (dependencies
    | summarize operationNameList=make_list(name),opid=count() by operation_Id
    | project operationNameList, operation_Id
    on operation_Id
| project id, name, operationNameList

My idea is that, when use 'join', we can get several lines according to the dependency count. So using make_list to combine the dependency.

enter image description here