
I was wondering how to measure the performance of prediction (using the test dataset) of an mlr3 model? For example, if I create a knn model using mlr3 like so:

# get data and split into training and test
aq <- na.omit(airquality)
train <- sample(nrow(aq), round(.7*nrow(aq))) # split 70-30
aqTrain <- aq[train, ]
aqTest <- aq[-train, ]

# create model
aqT <- TaskRegr$new(id = "knn", backend = aqTrain, target = "Ozone")
aqL <- lrn("regr.kknn")
aqMod <- aqL$train(aqT)

I can measure the mean square error of the model predictions doing something like:

prediction <- aqL$predict(aqT)
measure <- msr("regr.mse")

But how do I incorporate the test data into this? That is, how do I measure the performance of predictions on the test data?

In the previous version of mlr I could do something like; get the predictions using the test dataset and measure the performance of, say, the MSE or Rsquared values like so:

pred <- predict(aqMod, newdata = aqTest)
performance(pred, measures = list(mse, rsq))

Any suggestions as to how I can do this in mlr3?

You can do this in much the same way in mlr3, see the relevant chapter of the mlr3 book.Lars Kotthoff
Having read that chapter of the book, it tells me I should do something like: ` prediction = aqL$predict(aqT, row_ids = testRows)` where, testRows are the indices of the rows in the training data. However, this produces an error: Error: DataBackend did not return the queried rows correctly: 33 requested, 17 receivedElectrino
You should also be able to use newdata in the same way as for mlr.Lars Kotthoff
There are a lot of examples in the linked manual. Usually you want to use cross-validation for unbiased performance estimates.pat-s
You either need to pass the complete task and work with row IDs for train/test, or split the data beforehand and work with newdata.Michel

1 Answers


You should trying this code

pred <- aqMod$predict_newdata(aqTest)