I'm trying to run a script on Google Sheets that will allow me to copy a number of users a set amount of times and add them as a list.
A coworker made this code for me:
function BulkUpload() {
var spreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
spreadsheet.getCurrentCell().offset(0, 0, 8, 1).activate();
spreadsheet.getActiveSheet().insertRowsBefore(spreadsheet.getActiveRange().getRow(), 8);
spreadsheet.getCurrentCell().offset(8, 0).copyTo(spreadsheet.getActiveRange(), SpreadsheetApp.CopyPasteType.PASTE_NORMAL, false);
spreadsheet.getCurrentCell().offset(9, 0).activate();
Since I needed this for 36 users, what I did is that I copied the script and pasted it 36 times. This worked great and I ended up with a list of my 36 users copied 9 times each, but there's two problems:
- This script only works for that specific scenario where I needed every user to appear 9 times on the list.
- Having to manually copy/paste the script to the number of users I have is not functional at all and I'm aware that was a terrible way for me to solve the problem.
In order to fix these 2 issues, I would need:
- A way to get the script to recognize a number on a cell, so if I input "6" in the "repetitions needed" cell, it would tell the script to only add 5 rows, and copy so I get the 6 repetitions I needed; this way, I would be able to specify and change an amount without having to touch the script.
- In a similar fashion, a way to be able to loop the script N number of times, that I could also specify on a cell.
As an example, let's say that we have 7 users and I wanna copy each 6 times. I'd like to be able to go to my Google Sheets, have this little table and add the numbers needed, (ie, 5 in cell B1 and 10 in cell B2 according to this table:
Column A | Column B |
Repetitions needed | 6 |
Users | 7 |
Then, after this is specified, I would paste the list and run the script, and this should take me from:
- Alex
- John
- Sam
- Bob
- Tony
- Laura
- Victor
to this: GoogleSheets Screenshot
For transparency, the numbers I have to do are quite large (hundreds of users and dozens of repetitions) so that's why I'd need the script, I just made it simple here so I could add an example without adding too much space.
Do note that both my coworker and I are complete beginners when it comes to coding so there might be much easier ways to accomplish this; I'm open to any other solution that achieves the same desired result.
Thank you!