I'm having a articular problem which I'm not sure of the best way to describe.
I am trying to generate a running total and a running difference column in PowerQuery / (the transform part of PowerBI ).
I am looking at population data for 4 different locations in an area by gender. So there is a gender population and a total population for a location. And by extension there is an area gender and area total population.
For example
On a certain date I'm counting the number of people who eat a hamburger. (I'm not, but I'm trying to keep it generic).
On this day there will be a total population for a location.
For example
I want to generate columns for
a running total of : people who have eaten a hamburger at that location (so today's value (tv) added to yesterday's value (yv) ) male who have eaten a hamburger at that location female who have eaten a hamburger at that location
A running difference of: people who have yet to eat a hamburger at that location (so location population yesterday (lpy) - tv) males who have yet to eat a hamburger at that location females who have yet to eat a hamburger at that location
With that defined, it should become easier to build the powerquery up so it's possible to calculate:
the total number of men in a location who have/not eaten a hamburger on a certain date the population of men in that location who have/not eaten a hamburger on a certain date
And so on so that you can calculate how many men in an location have/have not eaten hamburger and how this contributes to the total location proportion and the area proportions of hamburger consumption.
I can quickly generate a quick measure in BI to perform a running total. But the problem I'm having is creating a more complicated running total. And indeed if I'm running this the right way?
I have a table of aggregated data with the population denominator for an area. I want to on a line by line basis in a processed table the remaining population, so that I can say "x % of men, y % of women, xy% of people in location 1 have/have not eaten hamburgers".
I'm not even sure if splitting the table to locations would be right.
Summary: I don't know how to solve this.
column. However, that can be slow with large data. A faster method would be to create a new column that is one-off the current column by inserting a null at the beginning, and deleting the last row, of the column of interest. See this for a discussion. – Ron Rosenfeld