
I've created a default livewire component and called it \app\Http\Livewire\kandidaatList.php. In my resources\views\admin\kandidaat\index.blade.php I include it:

<livewire:kandidaatList />

Finally in my resources\views\layouts\head.blade.php I include @livewireStyles in the <head> and in my resources\views\layouts\footer.blade.php include @livewireScripts So everything should be setup correctly.

But if I go to the page I get an error:

ErrorException (E_ERROR) file_put_contents(/var/www/bootstrap/cache/livewire-components.php): failed to open stream: Permission denied (View: /var/www/resources/views/admin/kandidaat/index.blade.php)

Without the livewire include I can open the page.


1 Answers


This appears to be an issue with your local Laravel development environment more than Livewire. Can you verify, if your bootstrap directory:

  • exists,
  • is writable for Laravel / your web-server user (e.g. nginx). Usually that user is called www-data.

Do you use dockerized development environment such as Sail or Laradock?