
I created a helm repo using command: helm create my-repo and made some minor changes to the files in the templates folder, packaged this using helm package my-repo which in turn generated my-repo-0.0.1.tgz and then helm repo index . to generate index.yaml file.

I have created a repository in GitLab and pushed my-repo-0.0.1.tgz and index.yaml files to the GitLab repository, the issue I'm facing here is when I run the command helm repo add my-repo https://gitlab.com/myorg/mycompany/my-helm-repo/-/blob/master I am seeing below error

Error: looks like "https://gitlab.com/myorg/mycompany/my-helm-repo/-/blob/master" is not a valid chart repository or cannot be reached: failed to fetch https://gitlab.com/myorg/mycompany/my-helm-repo/-/blob/master/index.yaml: 503 Service Unavailable.

Any idea what is wrong here and how to fix this?


1 Answers


Use raw.githubusercontent.com to add your repo.

helm repo add --username <username> --password '<github token>' <repo-name> 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/organization-name/helm-repo-name/branch-master/'

The raw.githubusercontent.com domain is used to serve unprocessed versions of files stored in GitHub repositories. So it will returns the raw content of files stored in Github.