
In my CloudFormation template, I'm trying to create an S3 Bucket only if S3 doesn't already have a bucket that includes a certain keyword in it's name. For example, if my keyword is 'picture', I only want this S3 bucket to be created if no bucket in S3 contains the word 'picture' in its name.

    "Resources": {
        "myBucket": {
            "Condition" : "<NO_S3_BUCKET_WITH_'picture'_IN_ITS_NAME_IN_THIS_ACCOUNT>",
            "Type": "AWS::S3::Bucket",
            "Properties": {

Is this possible? if so, can it be done with other AWS resources (CloudFront Distribution etc.)?

How did it go? Is is still unclear what you can't do what you want and what you should do?Marcin
I ended up taking another approach as developing a custom resource isn't worth it in this case. But I now understand that I can't do that logic in plain CloudFormation. Thanks!Abe Mused

1 Answers


Is this possible?

Not with plain CloudFormation. You would have to develop a custom resource to do this.