I define a full-name
API that takes in First Name and Last Name and combine them to return the Full Name:
# Returns: John Smith
In Azure APIM, I set both firstName
and lastName
parameters as "Required" in the API Schema.
In the Inbound policy, I want to validate that both are present in the request. I found the validate-parameters policy which appears to do just that:
<validate-parameters specified-parameter-action="prevent"
errors-variable-name="validationErrors" />
To my surprise, this does absolution nothing! I have to run a manual check on each param (this code is so verbose):
<when condition="@( context.Request.OriginalUrl.Query.GetValueOrDefault("firstName") == null )">
<set-status code="400" reason="Bad Request" />
<set-header name="Context-Type" exists-action="override">
<set-body>'firstName' is required</set-body>
<when condition="@( context.Request.OriginalUrl.Query.GetValueOrDefault("lastName") == null )">
<set-status code="400" reason="Bad Request" />
<set-header name="Context-Type" exists-action="override">
<set-body>'lastName' is required</set-body>
Is there any more convenient way to validate the request against the API's schema in Azure APIM?