
I have invoice data as JSON with line items as an array of objects, i'm trying to render invoice data with adaptivecards-templating engine, able to render json object but unable to render array of objects as rows.

I'm passing data conext as ${lineAttributes} but mbf I'm getting datacontext as like this "$data":"[object Object],[object Object]" and passing

Not getting line items means? Could you please share card JSON? Also could you please explain your scenario in more detailNikitha-MSFT
Are you still looking into it? could you please conform?Nikitha-MSFT
could you please update?Nikitha-MSFT
Hi @Nikitha-MSFT, sorry for late response, issue is fixed, actual problem is with I'm passing data context in parent level, after passing data context to child container it is working.kiran

1 Answers


Copying answer from comments:

To render array of objects in adaptive-card as line-items with adaptive-cards-Templating, Data should be passed to data context to child container not to parent level.