
I am trying to list the type of app service associated with particular subscription using azure cli.

Type of app service:

  1. Web apps
  2. logic apps
  3. Function apps
  4. mobile apps
  5. API apps

So far I have tried to find out the individual command for these. Out of which I could only get

web apps : az webapp list --subscription subscriptionId 
function apps: az functionapp list --subscription subscriptionId
logic apps: az logic workflow list --subscription subscriptionId

I am not sure the above commands include the API apps and mobile apps or it filters.

Any help would be much appreciated.

Have you tried to use az webapp list to list mobile and api app?Jim Xu
az webapp list do not list function apps even though they have type : microsoft.Web/sitesuser273181
az web list cannot list function apps. Because it filters, it will exclude the function app resource. For more details, please refer to github.com/Azure/azure-cli/blob/…Jim Xu

3 Answers


Yes you are right, API apps and Mobile apps are part of the Appservice which falls under WebApps.

You could use the CLI command or use the REST API


You could use az resource list (see documentation) and apply a query filter

az resource list --subscription subscriptionId --query "[?type=='Microsoft.Web/sites' || type=='Microsoft.Logic/workflows']"

You could update the query filter based on your need.

As mentioned by @Sajeetharan, Mobile Apps, API Apps, Web Apps and Function Apps are part of App services (Microsoft.Web/sites)


I tried this because with this I can get detailed properties of each app service.

            webItems = self.azure_cli([
                'webapp' , 'list' , 
                '--subscription', subscription_id

            funcItems = self.azure_cli([
                'functionapp' , 'list' , 
                '--subscription', subscription_id

            logicItems = self.azure_cli([
                'logic', 'workflow', 'list',
                '--subscription', subscription_id

            # checking web, logic, function
            appServiceData = [ webItems.data, logicItems.data, funcItems.data]