
I'm just getting started with Google Pay API and I planned to use Braintree as the gateway. According to the Google Pay API Doc here, we have to specify the sdkversion number of braintree.client.VERSION:

  "gateway": "braintree"
  "braintree:apiVersion": "v1"
  "braintree:sdkVersion": "braintree.client.VERSION"
  "braintree:merchantId": "YOUR_BRAINTREE_MERCHANT_ID"
  "braintree:clientKey": "YOUR_BRAINTREE_TOKENIZATION_KEY"

My questions:

  1. Where can we find the version number of braintree.client and what would be the syntax to specify the version number? According to the Braintree's doc here, there are so many version numbers and seems like 3.40.0 is the latest. Shall we put braintree.client.3.40.0?
  2. What is braintree:apiVersion on the other hand?
  3. Is it possible to use my PayPal merchant ID since I've generated my Braintree SDK Credential from within my PayPal's API Access setting?
  4. For braintree.clientKey, it should be the Braintree SDK Credential that I've generated with PayPal, am I right?

It's kind of confusing, hope someone can shed me some light, thanks!


1 Answers


Firstly, signup for the Braintree Sandbox:


Configure Google Pay on the Braintree Sandbox account,


Get the JavaScript SDK See the client SDK setup guide for JavaScript v3.

Use Drop-In type of integration which is easy one.

Then, go onto Server Side integration,


To obtain a tokenization key, follow these steps:

  1. Log into either the sandbox Control Panel, depending on which environment you are working in
  2. Click on the gear icon in the top right corner
  3. Click API from the drop-down menu
  4. Scroll to the Tokenization Keys section
  5. If no key appears, click the Generate New Tokenization Key button.

To find your merchant ID:

  1. Log into the sandbox Control Panel, depending on which environment you are working in
  2. Click on the gear icon in the top right corner
  3. Click Business from the drop-down menu
  4. You'll find your merchant ID at the top of this page.

Your merchant ID can also be found when logged into your Control Panel, as the string of letters and numbers following /merchants/ in the URL.

Note: You cannot use PayPal Merchant Id here in the Braintree integration.