Wanted to enable Hybris Admin console log so that it will give visibility regarding query ran from hac.
I can do it via adding a manual entry in the logging with the below property. de.hybris.platform.hac.facade.impl.DefaultFlexibleSearchFacade =DEBUG.
--> How I can enable this property permanently so that configuration won't get changed by new deployment.
I have tried to update via groovy but it seems groovy is not adding for this OOB class, for custom class working perfectly.
import com.tstcore.util.cluster.groovy.GroovyScriptClusterEvent
def logLevel = 'DEBUG'
def classes = [
classes.each{cls ->
def script = 'import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager\n'+
'import org.apache.logging.log4j.Level\n' +
'def log = LogManager.getLogger(' + cls + '.class)\n' +
'log.level = Level.' + logLevel +'\n' +
'println log\n'
def event = new GroovyScriptClusterEvent(script)