I'm trying to implement a NPAPI plugin for Firefox on Windows, using MingW to compile. Everything work fine during the compiling, but the plugin doesn't work well when it is loaded by Firefox. The browser detects some parameters of plugin like name and author, for example, but it doesn't get methods and properties correctly (they aren't recognized when called by a javascript code). The plugin works without any problem on Linux, but not on Windows.
1 Answers
Keep in mind that just because it detects the plugin name and mimetype doesn't mean that it's loading the DLL; on windows those are stored as string resources. Are any of the entrypoints getting called? Does your logfile get created?
If none of the entrypoints are getting hit at all, check to make sure you're actually exporting them; do you have a .def file? Does it have the entrypoints correct?
FireBreath uses this for the .def:
Here are the windows entrypoints: