I'm downloading historical candlestick data for multiple crypto pairs across different timeframes from the binance api, i would like to know how to sort this data according to pair and timeframe and check which pair on which timeframe executes my code, the following code is what i use to get historical data
import requests
class BinanceFuturesClient:
def __init__(self):
self.base_url = "https://fapi.binance.com"
def make_requests(self, method, endpoint, data):
if method=="GET":
response = requests.get(self.base_url + endpoint, params=data)
return response.json()
def get_symbols(self):
symbols = []
exchange_info = self.make_requests("GET", "/fapi/v1/exchangeInfo", None)
if exchange_info is not None:
for symbol in exchange_info['symbols']:
if symbol['contractType'] == 'PERPETUAL' and symbol['quoteAsset'] == 'USDT':
return symbols
def initial_historical_data(self, symbol, interval):
data = dict()
data['symbol'] = symbol
data['interval'] = interval
data['limit'] = 35
raw_candle = self.make_requests("GET", "/fapi/v1/klines", data)
candles = []
if raw_candle is not None:
for c in raw_candle:
return candles[:-1]
running this code
print(binance.initial_historical_data("BTCUSDT", "5m"))
will return this as the output
[55673.63, 55568.0, 55567.89, 55646.19, 55555.0, 55514.53, 55572.46, 55663.91, 55792.83, 55649.43,
55749.98, 55680.0, 55540.25, 55470.44, 55422.01, 55350.0, 55486.56, 55452.45, 55507.03, 55390.23,
55401.39, 55478.63, 55466.48, 55584.2, 55690.03, 55760.81, 55515.57, 55698.35, 55709.78, 55760.42,
55719.71, 55887.0, 55950.0, 55980.47]
which is a list of closes
i want to loop through the code in such a manner that i can return all the close prices for the pairs and timeframes i need and sort it accordingly, i did give it a try but am just stuck at this point
period = ["1m", "3m", "5m", "15m"]
binance = BinanceFuturesClient()
symbols = binance.get_symbols()
for symbol in symbols:
for tf in period:
historical_candles = binance.initial_historical_data(symbol, tf)
# store values and run through strategy