
Installing latest web3 version 1.3.5 on Ubuntu with npm version 7.12.0 fails with a couple of high severity errors. What is typical time-frame for a fix?

npm audit report

underscore 1.3.2 - 1.12.0
Severity: high
Arbitrary Code Execution - https://npmjs.com/advisories/1674\ No fix available
..web3-bzz <=1.3.5
..Depends on vulnerable versions of underscore
....web3 *
....Depends on vulnerable versions of web3-bzz
....Depends on vulnerable versions of web3-eth
..web3-core-helpers *
..Depends on vulnerable versions of underscore
....web3-eth-ens *
....Depends on vulnerable versions of underscore
....Depends on vulnerable versions of web3-core-helpers
......web3-eth *
......Depends on vulnerable versions of underscore
......Depends on vulnerable versions of web3-eth-ens
....web3-providers-http *
....Depends on vulnerable versions of web3-core-helpers
..web3-core-method *
..Depends on vulnerable versions of underscore
....web3-core *
....Depends on vulnerable versions of web3-core-method
....web3-eth-personal *
....Depends on vulnerable versions of web3-core-method
....Depends on vulnerable versions of web3-net
....web3-net <=1.0.0-beta.55 || >=1.2.0
....Depends on vulnerable versions of web3-core-method
......web3-shh <=1.3.5
......Depends on vulnerable versions of web3-core-method
......Depends on vulnerable versions of web3-net
..web3-core-requestmanager *
..Depends on vulnerable versions of underscore
..web3-core-subscriptions *
..Depends on vulnerable versions of underscore
..web3-eth-abi *
..Depends on vulnerable versions of underscore
..web3-eth-accounts *
..Depends on vulnerable versions of underscore
..web3-eth-contract *
..Depends on vulnerable versions of underscore
..web3-providers-ipc *
..Depends on vulnerable versions of underscore
..web3-providers-ws *
..Depends on vulnerable versions of underscore
..web3-utils >=1.0.0-beta.8
..Depends on vulnerable versions of underscore
....web3-eth-iban *
....Depends on vulnerable versions of web3-utils

web3 *
Severity: high
Insecure Credential Storage - https://npmjs.com/advisories/877\ Depends on vulnerable versions of web3-bzz
Depends on vulnerable versions of web3-eth
No fix available

21 high severity vulnerabilities\


2 Answers


We run npm ci && npm audit --audit-level=high in our project's CI pipeline and we have encountered this underscore issue today.

There's already the GitHub issue about it:

We are now waiting for new release (patch). Before that a quick fix and a possible solution would be to search for underscore in your package-lock.json and to manually update underscore version there, because npm audit fix won't fix it automatically.

We had 1.9.1 version used and updated to 1.12.1 (which is listed in audit log as a stable one). Kindly change these lines for every underscore's occurrence:

  • version: 1.9.1 => 1.12.1;
  • resolved: https://registry.npmjs.org/underscore/-/underscore-1.9.1.tgz => https://registry.npmjs.org/underscore/-/underscore-1.12.1.tgz;
  • integrity: sha512-5/4etnCkd9c8gwgowi5/om/mYO5ajCaOgdzj/oW+0eQV9WxKBDZw5+ycmKmeaTXjInS/W0BzpGLo2xR2aBwZdg== => sha512-hEQt0+ZLDVUMhebKxL4x1BTtDY7bavVofhZ9KZ4aI26X9SRaE+Y3m83XUL1UP2jn8ynjndwCCpEHdUG+9pP1Tw==.

This way npm ci will get versions from package-lock.json and no error will occur. But npm install will ignore it...

Here's a difference between these 2 commands if needed: Difference between npm install and npm ci


Also you can use npm-force-resolutions package in order to set the specific version of underscore package:

  1. Add "resolutions": { "underscore": "1.12.1" } to your package.json;
  2. Optionally add preinstall script that will be run every time before npm install starts: "scripts": { "preinstall": "npx npm-force-resolutions" };
  3. Run npm install or npx npm-force-resolutions and see your changes in package-lock.json. Also npm audit won't find those vulnerabilities.


[email protected] with all fixes is available, you can update your local package.


Thank you, issue is closed. I see ChainSafe/web3.js on github contains fixes to underscore, and will be on NPM soon.

Also, npm ls -all | grep underscore shows this library is nested dependency at 2nd, 3rd and 4th levels. Appreciate link to npm-force-resolution on NPM for background, further instructions, and warning that cautions on possible security vulnerability. I have a sandboxed system for learning.