
I am using wso2 API manager 3.2 and in my API there are some headers and Query Parameter.

My API has some path variable in URL in this way


for the path variable I use the following mediator

    <property name="REST_URL_POSTFIX" scope="axis2" action="remove"/>

and it works fine.

also I change some of incoming header's name . For example incoming header is IN_HEADER , I translate it to OUT_HEADER ,my backend expects OUT_HEADER.

I also use this mediator

<property name="IN_HEADER" expression="get-property('transport', 'IN_HEADER')"/>
<property name="OUT_HEADER" expression="get-property('IN_HEADER')" scope="transport"/>
<property name="IN_HEADER" scope="transport" action="remove"/>

It also works fine too.

The given API describe above also has some optional query parameters (limit, max, min) . For example if I use limit=10 in my API, I have to get 10 records, with out limit I get just one record. In WSO2 API Manager Publisher I defined the above query parameters as the other parameters.

The problem is when I use each of query parameter I get the result same as the way I do not use the query parameters. I get only one record.

I think the API manager does not pass the query parameters to backend.

I don't know this problem related to the mediator I use or not!

I forgot to mention, I have three query parameters and all of them are optional something like this example.com/data/readsomeData{entityId}/{someId}?limit=XX&from=YY&to=ZZ here wso2.com/blogs/cloud/move-query-parameters-to-rest-path describes not optional parameters. @PubciMehdi Alisoltani
I tested the example.com/data/readsomeData{entityId}/{someId}?* but it doesn't work. @PubciMehdi Alisoltani

1 Answers


You can approach this in a few different ways, below examples should also work on 3.2.0. Because you remove the REST_URL_POSTFIX the APIM also removes the query parameters. So option 1:

You could do something similar to what you did for the other headers. Grab the query parameters and add them as headers for further use. (the $url shorthand should also be available in 3.2.0 as far as I know - it grabs a query parameter by name.)

<property name="limit" expression="$url:limit" scope="transport"/>
<property name="min" expression="$url:min" scope="transport"/>
<property name="max" expression="$url:max" scope="transport"/> 

Or you could grab the query parameters from your URL and put them back after removing the POSTFIX.

<property name="newUrlPostfix" expression="substring after($axis2:REST_URL_POSTFIX, '?')"/> 
<property name="REST_URL_POSTFIX" scope="axis2" action="remove"/>
<property name="REST_URL_POSTFIX" scope="axis2" expression="concat('?', $ctx:newUrlPostfix"/>