
When I run my discord bot on repl.it, I get an error. within the error, I see some HTML code below. It seems like CloudFlare is blocking my bot from accessing Discord. What could have caused this?

   <section class="w-240 lg:w-full mx-auto mb-8 lg:px-8">
          <div id="what-happened-section" class="w-1/2 md:w-full">
            <h2 class="text-3xl leading-tight font-normal mb-4 text-black-dark antialiased" data-translate="what_happened">What happened?</h2>
            <p>The owner of this website (discord.com) has banned you temporarily from accessing this website.</p>```

You were either spamming the API and you got blacklisted or someone else using the same website spammed the API and got blacklisted.Tin Nguyen

2 Answers


I think that you might need to make another bot and don't use external libraries or APIs that is blacklisted. Instead, you can use official APIs from discord or other famous (verified) APIs.


It appears that you've been blacklisted. This can happen for numerous reasons, but if I were to guess either you or someone else were spamming the Discord API, which gets you blacklisted. Try to connect again in a couple days, maybe a week or longer. Just note that this might happen multiple times. I have a friend who used replit quite a lot and this happened multiple times.