I think you need crystal report XI (ie 11), this is the first version to support .rpt.
If you look into following directory on your web server:
or full path for most web servers
Open up the export.js file look for the following code if you see it then it should be able to export to rtf and/or you need to make sure you have the Crxf_rtf.dll which enabled exporting to rtf. See this doc for more detail Exporting Changes in Crystal Reports from 8.5 to XI.
if( rpt )
list += "<OPTION value=\"CrystalReports\">" + L_CrystalRptFormat + "</OPTION>";
if( pdf )
list += "<OPTION value=\"PDF\">" + L_AcrobatFormat + "</OPTION>";
if( word )
list += "<OPTION value=\"MSWord\">" + L_WordFormat + "</OPTION>";
if( xls )
list += "<OPTION value=\"MSExcel\">" + L_ExcelFormat + "</OPTION>";
if( recXls )
list += "<OPTION value=\"RecordToMSExcel\">" + L_ExcelRecordFormat + "</OPTION>";
if( rtf )
list += "<OPTION value=\"RTF\">" + L_RTFFormat +"</OPTION>";