Below is the data I have from a Json file which is loaded into snowflake variant table and I want to extract 'Mike Robinson' from the value {\"objCode\":\"USER\",\"name\":\"Mike Robinson\",\"ID\":\"5e4edc9400fbf45c6a67786fe0b62466\"}
, for the column DE:WSP PRG GPM Partner
from the below example.
"ID": "5e13939f00e62030bc40ae3a243f538c",
"auditTypes": [],
"categoryID": "6037d132005cf57b209d13eef407a03b",
"customerID": "76bf18dd792b9b9ce0530a093a0a1933",
"description": "Continue to grow Wise in current markets and expand public library opportunities in new markets.",
"enteredByID": null,
"entryDate": "2020-01-06T15:07:59:367-0500",
"etl_load_ts": "2021-04-22_14:41:35:828",
"extRefID": null,
"hasDocuments": false,
"hasMessages": false,
"hasNotes": false,
"isActive": true,
"lastUpdateDate": "2021-04-15T11:32:21:311-0400",
"lastUpdatedByID": "5e4edc9400fbf45c6a67786fe0b62466",
"name": "Program: OCLC Wise (SB)",
"objCode": "PRGM",
"ownerID": "5e4edac200f823591158b896c670f51b",
"parameterValues": {
"DE:Program Show on WSP": "Yes",
"DE:WSP PRG Executive Status Summary": "Overall health is YELLOW. For US libraries we had a key breakthrough on 2/17. After months of work with Linked In, we have achieved interoperability with Many public libraries provide access to training via to benefit their patrons.",
"DE:WSP PRG Financial Partner": "{\"objCode\":\"USER\",\"name\":\"Chad Beuck\",\"ID\":\"5e4eda6500f75fa86187f5c0b6dea9a2\"}",
"DE:WSP PRG GPM Partner": "{\"objCode\":\"USER\",\"name\":\"Mike Robinson\",\"ID\":\"5e4edc9400fbf45c6a67786fe0b62466\"}",
"DE:WSP PRG KD-1 Reason": "N/A",
"DE:WSP PRG KD-2 Reason": "N/A",
"DE:WSP PRG Key Decision Date Approved 1": "2021-02-01",
"DE:WSP PRG Key Decision Date Approved 2": "2021-02-01",
"DE:WSP PRG Key Decision Description 1": "N/A",
"DE:WSP PRG Key Decision Description 2": "N/A",
"DE:WSP PRG Key Decision ID 1": "0000",
"DE:WSP PRG Key Decision ID 2": "N/A",
"DE:WSP PRG Key Decision Owner 1": "N/A",
"DE:WSP PRG Key Decision Owner 2": "N/A",
"DE:WSP PRG Key Dependencies 1": "N/A",
"DE:WSP PRG Key Dependencies 2": "N/A",
"DE:WSP PRG Key R/I Description 1": "Recently heightened srutiny of security and privacy practices is resulting in project impacts for EMEA based projects.",
"DE:WSP PRG Key R/I Description 2": "---",
"DE:WSP PRG Key R/I Impact 1": "2",
"DE:WSP PRG Key R/I Impact 2": "-",
"DE:WSP PRG Key R/I Impact to Cost 1": "Indirect",
"DE:WSP PRG Key R/I Impact to Cost 2": "---",
"DE:WSP PRG Key R/I Impact to Sched 1": "Yes",
"DE:WSP PRG Key R/I Impact to Sched 2": "---",
"DE:WSP PRG Key R/I Probability 1": "-",
"DE:WSP PRG Key R/I Probability 2": "-",
"DE:WSP PRG Key Risk/Issue 1": "Issue",
"DE:WSP PRG Key Risk/Issue 2": "---",
"DE:WSP PRG Key Risk/Issue Choice 1": "Risk",
"DE:WSP PRG Key Risk/Issue Choice 2": "Issue",
"DE:WSP PRG Overall Health": "Yellow",
"DE:WSP PRG Primary Business Value": "Provide a comprehensive view of all Wise work activities and understand their impact to the resource portfolio. Assure effective communications, coordination across workstreams in order to prevent delivery delays/failures.",
"DE:WSP PRG Program Code #": "N/A",
"DE:WSP PRG Program Sponsor": "{\"objCode\":\"USER\",\"name\":\"Scott Livingston\",\"ID\":\"5e4edbd300fa28183f47c65b9641d7cb\"}",
"DE:WSP PRG Program Turned Red": "2021-02-01",
"DE:WSP PRG Target For Green": "2021-03-03",
"DE:WSP PRG Upcoming MS-1 Date": "2021-03-15",
"DE:WSP PRG Upcoming MS-2 Date": "2021-02-26",
"DE:WSP PRG Upcoming MS-3 Date": "2021-03-15",
"DE:WSP PRG Upcoming MS-4 Date": "2021-03-22",
"DE:WSP PRG Upcoming Milestone 1": "Fayetteville Go Live",
"DE:WSP PRG Upcoming Milestone 2": "3475 - Path to GREEN Realized",
"DE:WSP PRG Upcoming Milestone 3": "N/A",
"DE:WSP PRG Upcoming Milestone 4": "N/A"
"portfolioID": "5bfc22ed00b20b189229e8201f3742b6",
"securityRootID": "5e13939f00e62030bc40ae3a243f538c",
"securityRootObjCode": "PRGM"