Im trying to pass a prop from the root vue instance into the vue components which are located within a blade template file.
Blade Template File:
<header-0 on-window-load="{{ onPageLoad }}"><header-0>
JavaScript root Vue instance:
var ComponentHeader = require('./components/Header.vue').default;
var ComponentHeaderSearchModal = require('./components/SearchModal.vue').default;
var ComponentSideNav = require('./components/SideNav.vue').default;
const app = new Vue({
el: '#app',
onPageLoad: false
components:{'header-0': ComponentHeader,
'header-search-modal': ComponentHeaderSearchModal,
'side-nav': ComponentSideNav
window.onload = function(){
this.onPageLoad = true;
As can be seen in the blade template file, doing on-window-load="{{ onPageLoad }}"
will not work because blade seems to have no concept of the root Vue instance. So how do I pass a prop from the Vue root instance into a component inside a blade template file? is this possible?