
I have a branch policy based on two separate folders but not every scenario is triggering the Required effect.

Here is the branch policy: /DEO/; /WSOClient/Source/Legacy/WSO11-1/WSO/

  1. Notice the space Azure DevOps is automatically putting after the ; I have no control over this.

  2. If there are changes to the /DEO/ folder, the Required effect is invoked. Perfect. If there are changes to both /DEO/ and /WSOClient folders, the effect is invoked. Again, Perfect. BUT, if there are changes only to /WSOClient folder, the Required effect is NOT INVOKED.

Summary, when only the 2nd folder of a branch policy has changes, Required is not triggered.


1 Answers


This was resolved. We have a custom status, which ALSO required both of the same paths. So, the build was being triggered for changes in both folders, but since the status only had the /DEO/* path, it wasn't requiring the /WSOClient/... folder to be successfull for the Pull Request.