I'm trying to run flutter on iOS Simulator and when executing flutter run
the next error appears:
[!] CocoaPods could not find compatible versions for pod "Firebase/Messaging": In Podfile: firebase_messaging (from
) was resolved to 9.1.3, which depends on Firebase/Messaging (= 7.11.0) None of your spec sources contain a spec satisfying the dependency:Firebase/Messaging (= 7.11.0)
Does anyone know why is this happening?
What if tried:
- Flutter clean + flutter pug get
- Delete de iOS folder and then
flutter create .
- On the iOS folder delete
file andPodfile.dock
thenpod init
+pod install
causing same error
The packages i'm using
- cupertino_icons: ^1.0.2
- cross_connectivity: ^3.0.2
- crypto: ^3.0.1
- device_info_plus: ^1.0.1
- encrypt: ^5.0.0
- firebase_analytics: ^8.0.2
- firebase_core: ^1.1.0
- firebase_crashlytics: ^2.0.2
- firebase_messaging: ^9.1.3
- flutter_barcode_scanner: ^2.0.0
- flutter_card_swipper: ^0.4.0
- flutter_easyloading: ^3.0.0
- flutter_local_notifications: ^5.0.0+1
- flutter_speed_dial: ^3.0.5
- fluttertoast: ^8.0.3
- http: ^0.13.2
- image: ^3.0.2
- image_picker: ^0.7.4
- intl: ^0.17.0
- location: ^4.1.1
- mime_type: ^1.0.0
- path_provider: ^2.0.1
- permission_handler: ^6.1.3
- shared_preferences: ^2.0.4
- sqflite: ^2.0.0+3
- url_launcher: ^6.0.3
- webview_flutter: ^2.0.4
- iOs Deployment Target 12.1
- Flutter 2.0.4
flutter doctor -v
Result -> all green colored
I preferred to ask here before creating a new issue on Github If this is happening to someone else then I'll create a new issue on Github.