I am creating a fullcalendar which retrieves the events by mean of a function call set in the events
This is the fullcalendar definition (which is created when a modal dialog box is shown):
var calendarCreated = false;
$('#modal_calendar').on('shown.bs.modal', function () {
if (!calendarCreated) {
themeSystem: 'bootstrap4',
locale: 'es',
monthNames: ['Enero', 'Febrero', 'Marzo', 'Abril', 'Mayo', 'Junio', 'Julio', 'Agosto', 'Septiembre', 'Octubre', 'Noviembre', 'Diciembre'],
monthNamesShort: ['Ene', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Abr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Ago', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dic'],
dayNames: ['Domingo', 'Lunes', 'Martes', 'Miércoles', 'Jueves', 'Viernes', 'Sábado'],
dayNamesShort: ['Dom', 'Lun', 'Mar', 'Mié', 'Jue', 'Vie', 'Sáb'],
header: {
left: 'title',
center: '',
right: 'prev,next today'
buttonText: {
today: 'Hoy',
month: 'Mes',
week: 'Semana',
day: 'Día'
events: '/myurl',
eventRender: function (eventObj, $el) {
title: 'Menú ' + eventObj.title,
content: eventObj.description,
trigger: 'hover',
placement: 'top',
container: 'body'
calendarCreated = true;
The returned JSON object contains event names correctly, for example,
Note the title
values. Well, this is how the calendar actually appears (event start date is 28th April at 00:00):
Note the 4a
text that is added before the event name. Why is that and how can I get rid of it?