
I have a dot net core 3.1 project. When I run my application using IIS it creates a web.config file automatically by adding environment ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT" = "Development". Since I am deploying my application to Azure and managing configuration via application settings, I don't need to publish the web.config file in my artifact folder. Also, the added ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT causes change the ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT from Staging/Production to Development as well. I wanted to exclude the web.config while publishing. I have tried with different approaches suggested online but nothing works like:

        <Content Remove="web.config" />

        <Content Update="web.config">

        <Content Update="web.config">

But it always includes the web.config file in published directory for dotnet publish command. Is there anything I am missing here?


1 Answers


According to this github issue, you should add the following section in the .csproj
