I have some question with respect to using read replicas in Amazon RDS Multi-AZ Deployments mechanism.
my architecture:- Normally in case of simple muti az deployment we have master db in one az with standby db in another az but here I in my situation there is a master database in one az and read replica in another az which is like a standby database another az( hope that makes sense).
Multi az mechanism provides:-
- sync replication between main db and stand-by DB.
- automatic failover.
- single dns name for automatic failover.
read replicas provide:-
- async replication between main db and read replica.
- needs to be promoted manually in case of failover.
- connection string needs to be updated on the application part hence a different connection string.
So when we use read replicas under multi az mechanism what will be the status of replication ( sync or async), automatic failover or manual promotion, and what about the connection string single DNS or different ( as in read replica)