
I have this azure function triggered by queue storage.


  "retry": {
    "strategy": "exponentialBackoff",
    "maxRetryCount": 5,
    "minimumInterval": "00:01:00",
    "maximumInterval": "14:00:00"

If message A fails,

  • message B is processed and message A is put in the back of the queue.

  • message A is retried until succeeded or reached maxRetryCount and message B with other messages waits until function is finished with message A.

Which one is correct?

Didn't find the answer in Azure docs.


1 Answers


The answer is: message B is processed and message A is put in the back of the queue.

So, failed messages are put in the back of the queue.

The confusion is because Azure Storage Explorer shows messages sorted by original InsertionTime while the actual order of execution is different.

enter image description here

As you see message b have failed before and the order of the execution will be d, e, b while explorer window can easily confuse by showing only sorted by original InsertionTime.