
I am trying to add an OAuth2 service to my Azure Api Management service (consumption plan) but the Authorization code grant flow redirect uri is being set to null/signin-oauth/code/callback/{name}

On the "Add OAuth2 service" tab I set the name and id of the oauth2 service (in this example its "test1")

enter image description here

The auto generated redirect uri is then set to null/signin-oauth/code/callback/test1

enter image description here

I know what the redirect uri should be - https://{my-api-management-service-name}.developer.azure-api.net/signin-oauth/code/callback/test1. When calling this I get a server not found error. So it looks like it's not being set up.

It seems to work on anything other than the consumption plan.


2 Answers


If you wish to test your API in Azure Developer Portal using the console, Well, the consumption Tier does not fit and null/ means you don't have a domain name to access the portal. So better use one of these as Tier when creating your APIM instance: Developer, Standard or Premium. Apart from that, you will have two redirects url when you create your OAuth2.0 server (Developer portal and Developer portal deprecated), configure both of them in your registered client application.

OAuth2.0 Server

enter image description here

Client App

enter image description here