
I was deploying a react js website on the Linux app service on Azure. But its not getting deployed on the app service. I have used the pm2 command to run the app on linux environment

pm2 serve /home/site/wwwroot/ --no-daemon

But in the error logs its giving the error of pm2 not found.And the following one

Container didn't respond to HTTP pings on port: 8080, failing site start.

Container for site has exited, failing site start

Do you want to deploy in a production style? You should run npm run build. Then copy the built files onto your server.NanoBit
Yes i have already run that command in my release build and create a react app build. But at the time of deployment on the azure app service it gives me the error.Sushant Kargwal
If my reply is helpful, please accept it as answer(click on the mark option beside the reply to toggle it from greyed out to fill in.), see meta.stackexchange.com/questions/5234/…Doris Lv

1 Answers


Navigate to the Configuration page of your web app, and add this command to Startup Command :

npx serve -s

enter image description here