
I am having some difficulty with www to non-www redirects with google load balancer.

Currently I have HTTP -> https working no problems, however, I haven't really seen any recent docs on how this works.

I have the load balancer setup to run all URLs to App Engine A and anything on /imagery/* to go to App Engine B.

That is all working well, however, I can't seem to get the www to non-www stuff to work correctly.

I have tried to setup a new 'Host' redirect for www.domain.com to domain.com as per the attached enter image description here

but i get

enter image description here

Any help on this one?

I don't want to have to create another app just to handle the redirect, surely it is a simple enough thing to do, I'm sure many want this.

and what is the response when you call directly domain.com?guillaume blaquiere
response when going to domain.com is as per expected, it shows the websitenzmattman

1 Answers


So it turns out it was 2 things.

  1. Remove the https:// from the host redirect, and just have the naked domain, domain.com.
  2. It doesn't happen right away, there is some timing involved.

I updated to remove the https:// from the host redirect, waited a few hours and all was good. it is now working as expected