I am trying to create a stream analytics job from my IoT Hub to Power BI but my Input data seams to be invalid. After starting the Job I get this Error Code: InputDeserializerError.InvalidData . My Event serialization format is JSON. I monitored my messages via the azure shell and they look like this:
"event": {
"origin": "Projektpi",
"module": "",
"interface": "",
"component": "",
"payload": "{\"Time\": 19/04/2021, 13:22:33, \"Critical vibration\": No, \"Temperature\": 20.812, \"RPM\": 0.0}"
Every 11 seconds I send messages from my pi via this code:
client = IoTHubDeviceClient.create_from_connection_string(CONNECTION_STRING)
async def send_to_azure(payload):
# await internet connection
# payload looks like this: payload = '{{"Time": {now}, "Critical vibration": {azurevibration}, "Temperature": {azuretemp}, "RPM": {azurerpm}}}'
message = Message(payload)
# Send a message to the IoT hub
print(f"Sending message: {message}")
print('Status: Trying to send data to Azure IoT Hub...')
await client.connect()
await client.send_message(message)
print('Status: Data sent ...')
print('Status: Problem sending data to Azure IoT Hub...')
How do I have to change my code so that the Stream Analytics Job can use my pi sensor data as Input? If you know of a python tutorial etc. that would be great. I am quite new to azure and programming in general so thank you very much for your help!