I have created a GUI in python using Tkinter which connects to an Arduino nano. I can use my GUI to flash the firmware on the Arduino using AVRDUDE with no issue but this pops up a CMD box while programming. What I want is to redirect or pipe that to a text box to my GUI instead. If I use normal windows command like ping, dir etc, this works with no issue (example code and screenshot below) but when I try and flash the Arduino, it does flash but still in its own console and does not redirect. I'm guessing the AVRDUDE printf that's the issue but is there a way to redirect the output?
I have also tried adding "2> e:\\output.txt"
to the end like in this link https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/raspberry-pi-stand-alone-programmer/parsing-output-from-avrdude-w-python to save to a file then I can read in the file. If I do that in CMD, it works but not if I try from python, I get
Bad parameter >2
even if I try >> test.txt.
import tkinter as tk
import subprocess, sys
main = tk.Tk()
IP = "ping"
date = ["cmd", "/C","date", "/T"]
arduino = ["W:\\Python\\Hopper_Tester\\update\\avrdude", "-CW:\\Python\Hopper_Tester\\update\\avrdude.conf", "-patmega328p", "-carduino", "-PCOM7", "-b115200", "-D", "-Uflash:w:C:\\Users\Frazer Telford\\Documents\\PlatformIO\\Projects\\hopper_test\\.pio\\build\\nanoatmega328\\firmware.hex:i", "2>", "e:\\flash.txt"]
textbox = tk.Text(main)
def command_one():
#item = subprocess.Popen(RUN,stdout=subprocess.PIPE, creationflags=subprocess.CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE)
item = subprocess.Popen(RUN,stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
# print(f"printing {item}")
for line in item.stdout:
output = (line.decode())
def command_two():
result = subprocess.run(RUN, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, text = True)
for line in result.stdout:
#output = (line.decode())
tk.Button(main, text = "Function 1", command = command_one).pack(side=tk.LEFT, padx = 10)
tk.Button(main, text = "Function 2", command = command_two).pack(side=tk.LEFT, padx = 10)