I am trying to repoint the data Source of a power Bi dashboard from SQL to Snowflake.
So far, for most of the tables worked. However, I got one table on which I got the following error when changing the data source:
Expression.Error: 'Query' are not valid Snowflake options. Valid options are: 'ConnectionTimeout, CommandTimeout, CreateNavigationProperties, Role'
This specific query ( from Advance Editor in PowerBi) contains a simple select and it looks as follows:
Source =Snowflake.Databases("serverabc", "abc", [Query="SELECT DateLabel, SnapshotDate, Future, Latest#(lf)FROM Xtable#(lf)WHERE DateLabel IS NOT NULL#(lf)GROUP BY DateLabel, SnapshotDate, Future, Latest", CreateNavigationProperties=false]),
#"Filtered Rows" = Table.SelectRows(Source, each true)
#"Filtered Rows"
The select statement works in both SQL and Snowflake but I am having difficulties on how to translate this in Power BI as well.
Thank you in advance