I have 4 buttons that have no direct application to my program. I would like to hide or remove them. I've searched to find out what they are called...they look like navigation, left/right arrows, next/previous. I can't seem to find what they are called. I have looked on the Microsoft site and looking at the CTabView
members doesn't seem to jump out and say "hey, these are what you're looking for"....
I'm hoping it is a relatively easy task. Anyone know how to just "turn them off"?
I was able to resolve the C4430 mentioned by moving the new function before the existing in OutputWnd.h
and that solved the issue in the output pane area where the arrows are now gone. What I forgot to mention is that I have another mechanism AddView
that is creating 2 runtime classes and putting those into a tabbed document view. This time, I've been using GetTabControl()
to make it pretty, but this also suffers from the same issue, the scroll arrows are now present.
This is what the code looks like that creates the 2 new tabs:
Above this code is the constructor/destructor/headers, nothing else.
void CTrackView::OnInitialUpdate()
// add document views
AddView(RUNTIME_CLASS(CTrainView), AfxStringID(IDS_TRAIN));
AddView(RUNTIME_CLASS(CStationView), AfxStringID(IDS_STATION));
I have tried to comment out CTabView::OnInitialUpdate();
but I know it won't and didn't affect the arrows. I done some searching on the control and I don't see any examples to remove the arrows, I assume another override is in order. I will follow the method shown in the other example, I am looking to see if it can be fixed similar to what has been shown.
Do these share the same CMFCTabCtrl
mechanism or is this something different?
Update 2:
The OutputWnd.cpp that the MFC wizard creates has the same issue now that I've modified the tab control, I can't find the right pointer to fix the issue where &tabCtrl()
is an unknown identifier. EDIT: This was the issue, I found the fix, see update 3 to see the resolution.
int COutputWnd::OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct)
if (CDockablePane::OnCreate(lpCreateStruct) == -1)
return -1;
CRect rectDummy;
// Create User Define tab style:
int UserTabStyle = AfxGetApp()->GetProfileInt(_T("Settings"), _T("UserTabStyle"), 0); //Get value from registry
// If the key doesn't exist, UserTableStyle will be 0 or FALSE;
if (UserTabStyle != FALSE && UserTabStyle <= 8) { // User selected tab style type
int EnumUserTabStyle = UserTabStyle - 1; // Fix enum if key doesn't exist.
if (!m_wndTabs.Create(static_cast<CMFCTabCtrl::Style>(EnumUserTabStyle), rectDummy, this, 1))
TRACE0("Failed to create output tab window\n");
return -1; // fail to create
else { // Default tabs style if Reg key does not exist i.e. new install/program reset
if (!m_wndTabs.Create(CMFCTabCtrl::STYLE_FLAT, rectDummy, this, 1))
TRACE0("Failed to create output tab window\n");
return -1; // fail to create
// Nicely hack to access protected member
class CMFCTabCtrlEx : public CMFCTabCtrl
void SetDisableScroll() { m_bScroll = FALSE; }
// One-Liner to Disable navigation control
// Create output panes:
if (!m_wndOutputBuild.Create(dwStyle, rectDummy, &m_wndTabs, 2) ||
!m_wndOutputDebug.Create(dwStyle, rectDummy, &m_wndTabs, 3))
TRACE0("Failed to create output windows\n");
return -1; // fail to create
CString strTabName;
BOOL bNameValid;
//Attach list windows to tab:
bNameValid = strTabName.LoadString(IDS_STATUS_TAB);
m_wndTabs.AddTab(&m_wndOutputBuild, strTabName, (UINT)0);
bNameValid = strTabName.LoadString(IDS_DEBUG_TAB);
m_wndTabs.AddTab(&m_wndOutputDebug, strTabName, (UINT)1);
int EnableDebugTab = AfxGetApp()->GetProfileInt(_T("Settings"), _T("EnableDebugTab"), 0); //Get value from registry
if (EnableDebugTab == FALSE)
OnOutputtabsDebug(); //Check to see if it should be enabled
return 0;
Update 3:
I found the answer to my unknown identifier, I was trying to call a function that didn't exist. Reformed as such and it works as expected:
// Nicely hack to access protected member
class CMFCTabCtrlEx : public CMFCTabCtrl
void SetDisableScroll() { m_bScroll = FALSE; }
// One-Liner to Disable navigation control