
I have created a logic app and I want it to trigger when a new blob is added to a storage account. As soon as I add this trigger, the following error comes, its not very descriptive and not sure which permissions is it not seeing.

Please check your account info and/or permissions and try again. Details: This request is not authorized to perform this operation.

I am following instructions mentioned here https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/connectors/connectors-create-api-azureblobstorage#add-blob-storage-trigger

HTTP trigger works but then then storage connection step fails again. I am not sure what account info or permissions is not given.

enter image description here

Also, when I try to create a new connection . I am still seeing the same error. Connection string error

Also, I noticed that storage account and logic app cant be in the same region. I kept them separate by having storage app in West US 2 and logic app in West US 1.

I am following the instructions in this article too. But have the same issue. https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/integrations-on-azure/access-storage-accounts-behind-firewalls-from-logic-apps-within/ba-p/1997801

Here is a screenshot of that. Http connection works but Azure Blob storage connection does not.

enter image description here

Could you please check which role(s) of the storage account be assigned to your account ?Hury Shen
Yes, the logic app is assigned a Storage Blob Data Contributor role.Sarah
You mentioned a link of "access storage account behind firewall", may I know if your storage is behind firewall ? Or your storage without firewall, just refer to the document ?Hury Shen
And may I know if you use virtual network for your storage ?Hury Shen
@HuryShen good questions, how can I check if the storage account is behind a firewall? Pretty sure we are not using virtual network for the storage, if there is a way for me to check that please let me know. I dont have all privileges and permissions but I can check.Sarah

1 Answers


I see that you have posted your query in Q&A. I have posted answer in the Q&A thread.